Perry Township - Monroe County, IN

Meeting Minutes

Perry Township Offices

Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The meeting is called to order at 4:15 pm

Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs

Non-Members Present: Pat Combs, Sharon Yoder


  1. Review Quotes from Bathroom Renovations for Friend's Place
  2. Other

Friend's Place Quotes

Dan announced that Fox Construction Company and Neidigh Construction Corporation were the only two companies that submitted quotes for the shelter bathroom renovations by the 4:00 pm deadline on May 3rd. Fox Construction quoted $172,000. The architect had stated that around $150,000 would be normal with the construction climate at this time. Neidigh Corporation quoted $73,000. Both companies had previously come in, got copies of the plans, and went to the site. The board is concerned about the price differences between the two companies and wants more information before a decision is made. The board has decided to table the quotes and ask the companies to itemize their bids. Dan emphasized the Board should deal with the quotes submitted and not reopen quote submission by the two companies. Barb moves to table the bids. Jack seconds the motion and all agree.


Beacon contacted the trustee about expanding the capacity on the women’s side at Friend’s Place. They want to go from 14 beds up to 24 beds on that side. The fire marshal has stated that there isn’t a capacity limit on beds since there are enough sprinklers in place since the last renovation. There won’t be anything needed to be done by the trustee but a passing of information that the number of beds may be increasing. They have also started looking into the empty space behind the women’s area lately and may want to start working on renovating it soon.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 4:45 pm.

The meeting was concluded at 4:40 pm.